The show must go on! Digital transformation can foster resilience in the creative and arts sector that has been hit hard in 2020. How? The innovative project Art Hub Live shows how live performances and a digital solution are supporting a sustainable future. At this last Geneva Macro Labs Online Talk in 2020, Art Hub hosted for us the live performance of two artists: the singer and songwriter Liv Harper and the pianist Erik Brinkmann. Art Hub co-founder Francesco Mochi Sismondi also updated us on the project. Exciting times ahead! Liv Harper, http://liv-harper, sings two of her songs that she wrote – the first one is called- Scoot over- and the second one – still you love me. Erik Brinkman,, plays two of the songs he composed: Winter and I Wonder Where You Are. After their performance, we discussed their views on music and live performance in the future and which supporting role technology could play.