The GemLabs Podcast

We are pleased to announce the launch of our podcast, featuring host Gabor Farkas: the GeMLabs Podcast. Every podcast episode will be available on both the Apple and Spotify platform.

Impressions from our After Work Events

Geneva Macro Labs organises a monthly After Work Event in Geneva and this has been one of the founding moments of the association.  We meet every last Wednesday of the month to discuss topics around sustainability, blockchain, natural capital or AI in order to strengthen the Geneva collaboration and community amongst those with a mind…

The president of Geneva Macro Labs at COP27

Ekkehard Ernst will meet with other experts at the International Labour Organisation #justtransition pavillion to discuss solutions for triple wins: For the climate, for nature and socialjustice. The event will be streamed.

Valuing Natural Capital Conference 2022

More than 20+ speakers and an international audience have come together to discuss how to bring finance and nature together. Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates about the conference results and our solutions paper. Visit the conference website. To watch the conference, click here for the recording. 

Our podcast featured in the UN Today

The question of whether or not we should return to the office after all this time working remotely concerns us all. This decision shapes the post-pandemic world. Our podcast and interview with Peter Cappelli, Professor of Management at The Wharton School and Director of Wharton’s Center for Human Resources, sheds new light on the recent…

Listen to our new Podcast with Peter Cappelli

Millions of professionals around the globe experience a realization during the COVID-19 pandemic: They do not need to be in the office to get their work done. A variety of digital tools and the internet allow them to work from almost anywhere. To the surprise of many, this actually worked well, says Peter Cappelli, Professor…

The UN Today reported on our impACT project Boosting Local Farming

Global supply chains are under pressure and Local Farming is trying to remedy this. The project “Boosting Local Farming” was developed during our Geneva imPACTs innovation cycle 2021. It has  developed a project that connect consumers with local farmers to push sustainability. It has been selected as one of 35 promising startups for the Blockchain…