Is multilateralism fit for purpose?


Multilateral institutions have been critised for failing to deliver on the sustainable development goals. Whether it concerns eradicating poverty, fostering financial stability, promoting decent work or ensuring sustainable eco-systems, international organisations do not seem to live up to their mandate. What needs to be done? How can collaboration between IOs be strengthened? Do we need a complete overhaul of the multilateral system? Or are additional players required to be brought on board? Macroeconomist Loungani discusses key elements of ‘playing nice’. He is the co-author of Confronting Inequality: How Societies Can Choose Inclusive Growth, which was published 2019 by Columbia University Press with a foreword from Joe Stiglitz. LeClercq, Assistant Professor of International and Comparative Law, talks about ex-ante coordination in the UN system during the pandemic and beyond.


Prakash Loungani

Assistant Director @ Independent Evaluation Office

Desirée LeClercq

Assistant Professor @ Cornell University ILR School