We are pleased to announce the launch of our podcast, featuring host Gabor Farkas: the GeMLabs Podcast. Every podcast episode will be available on the Apple Podcast and Spotify platform.
Our first episode features Dmitri Grozoubinski on his book and the future of trade.
Host Gabor Farkas welcomes guest Dmitri to discuss his book ‘Why Politicians Lie About Trade’ and issues related to the upcoming WTO public forum. They delve into trade policy misconceptions, the historical impact of trade decisions, and modern trade dynamics. The conversation focuses on the implications of AI on global trade, particularly for MSMEs and marginalized groups. Dimitri shares his background and the motivation for his current venture, ExplainTrade. They also explore the sustainability of current trade models and the potential for new models influenced by emerging technologies. The podcast emphasizes the importance of honest public discourse and the need for adaptive strategies in an evolving trade landscape.